Friday, May 06, 2005


My day is over, Carter is snug in his bed, Luke is snoring on the floor next to me, Gil is drooling all over his pillow(just kidding) and I'm still awake trying to unwind. I have been in a frenzy this week. A cleaning frenzy that is. My house is now officially on the market.Which means soon(hopefully very soon) we will be getting calls from people that want to walk through it. I have to keep it spotless! I've cleaned my bathrooms, all 4 of them 3 times this week. I've vaccumed 5 times and I've hand scrubed my kitchen floor twice. Frenzy?? I think that qualifies.
So here I am trying to unwind and thinking about what I've learned from my day today. Well let's see I've learned that Elmo diapers will never be in this house again, that it's time to take apart Carter's changing table because he's discovered how to climb up on it, and that I will never buy another lawn mower that doesn't bag the grass because grass clippings stick to dogs feet which create grass stains on the carpet.But there's something else that I'm not getting what is it????
Then I look around at my spotless house and it hits me. Why do I put so much work into my house but not much work into me? Why am I so crazy about keeping my house spotless for strangers to see, yet I only put about half that effort into keeping my mind and heart not even spotless, just clean for God?
If a stranger walks into my house tomorrow and sees dirt then fine, let them think of me what they want, yet if a stranger looks at my life and sees dirt what will they think of my God? So I head to bed tonight thinking of my life and the dirt that needs to be cleaned from my soul, the heart that needs to be scrubbed, the thoughts that need to be thrown in the trash, the whole body that needs to be spotless for such an Awesome God that I serve. Thank you God for the lessons you've taught me today.


At 8:25 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Hey Angie,
Good to read your stories! It is great that we now have a moral compass blogging for Gil to keep his stories in check :)
Good thoughts about grass clippings, thankful we have til floor, it is a pain in the butt.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger deby said...

Angie - sounds like you really have your priorities right. I learned very late in life that there is more to life in Him than having a spotless house. It's about having a "getting it spotless" home for Him.

Just be sure you call before coming over!


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