Thursday, May 12, 2005

1 Tear Per Box

So today the packing began. I have 10 days to get everything done and to get the heck out of dodge! But I'm not complaining... God is Great and I'm so excited that the stress of selling our home is over!!
I remember packing up our home in Quincy. Tears streaming down my face with each box that I taped up. Almost having a breakdown while watching the movers pack everything that we owned into a big truck headed to Colorado. There was not a bone in my body that was excited to move, I was angry with God for taking me away from my family and all my friends. I had a six month old baby and was scared to death to be in a new city far from home. I cried for weeks before I left, and weeks after I left. Colorado was not my home and never would be my home.
Slowly Colorado grew on me. At first I just stopped hating it, then it was alright, then I kinda liked it, and then there came the point that I was happy here. 20 months ago I would've never believed that I'd actually like it here someday.
So when we found out we were moving I thought "ah this is a piece of cake, if I can move from my home town, then I can move from here with no problem." I even joked with Gil and told him I probably wouldn't even shed a tear. (Anybody that knows me can tell you that I cry at even the smallest thing!)
So today I start pulling out boxes. Luke (my dog) got very nervous, and Carter started running around the box yelling "bye-bye house", and I started to cry!!! I started to realize that this house holds so many memories of our family. Carter ate his first cheerio here, said his first words here, took his first steps here, took his first big fall here, turned into a little man here. I became a "stay home" mom here, learned to be away from family and friends here, went through my parents divorce trying so hard to be the support to each family member from here, grew a lot here and learned a ton of lessons... I can't even began to list all the memories that we have together as a family here. All in 20 short months and now I'm packing up and leaving again.
I leave knowing that I will take all of these memories with me and that I will make new ones in Missouri. I leave knowing I'm a changed person, that I've grown more in 20 months than I have in 25 years. May I always thank God for getting me out of my confort zone, and to a place where he could break me in half and build me up even taller than before. So a tear will go in every box as I pack up my life in Colorado and continue it in Missouri!


At 5:51 AM, Blogger deby said...

what is exciting Ang, is knowing Christ is right there packing beside you. Tears and all.

At 5:04 PM, Blogger ret said...

I'm so proud of you Angie. You have found strength you never knew you were capable of, and you have, in the midst of your own growth, made a visible impact on Gil's growth as well. You compliment each other as God intended spouses to do. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers as you make this you!


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