Friday, May 13, 2005

Flashback Memory

I was packing tonight, same thing I've been doing for the last two days. I'm ticked because I'm already tired of boxes, then I hear this belly laugh comming from the other room. I'm talking full blown belly laughter, ya know the kind that only a little child can do. I was already laughing as I rushed into the room to see what was so funny.
Carter is standing in front of the TV watching America's Funniest Home Video's. With every new clip Carter's laughter would get louder and harder. As I watched him a memory sliped into my mind.
I remember being a kid and every Friday night we would watch America's Funiest Home Video's as a family. I remember watching my Mom and Dad Laugh and my heart felt happy. Daddy would laugh in his big booming voice, and mommy would get so tickled that she would snort which would then make everybody laugh just a little bit harder. I remember how happy it made me to hear my parents laugh. Our family was full of laughter and fun times but this laughter was just a little different. Not quite sure what made it so special. Maybe it was just the Friday night ritual of Pizza and movies (after watching A.F.V.), or maybe it was just being with Family, but the memory brought back the same warm feeling in my heart.
So I sat down with Carter and we laughed together. During commercial breaks Carter would just look up at me and smile. I'm so excited to make these memories with him and hopefully it warmed his heart, like it used to do to mine, just to hear mommy laugh.


At 8:31 PM, Blogger deby said...

Ang-I am so envious of you having all this time with one so young and your walk with God is so strong. You are so a mommy and not a mother.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger BJ said...

Angie, you and Gil are two of the greatest (in every sense of the word) people Kellie and I have ever met. I know you'll always be that way and it's so good to hear that everything is happening the way it's happening. We really miss you guys and hopefully our paths will cross again soon. Laugh with your son for me...

At 10:14 PM, Blogger ret said...

Nothing better than hearing a kid belly laugh...unless the kid is yours. Aren't you glad you took the time to enjoy...


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