Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Time out for a memory!!

I was cleaning upstairs... and Carter was really wanting me to play with him. I was really trying to get stuff done while I was in the mood so I tried to think of something we could do while I was cleaning. I found a "Christmas Rock" CD and turned it on. Carter and I started dancing together!! The kind of dancing that just cracks me up, the kind that I try to get him to do for others, but his shy side kicks in... Guess it's something ok to do with mom. Maybe that's because I'm acting as crazy as he is... clapping and jumping, twisting and turning....and laughing the whole time. I love these moments with him. I love that he thinks I'm funny and likes to play with me cause I think he's just as funny and I love to play with him. I love that he loves me in a way that words can't describe, and I love him back in the same way! I love that God nudges me and tells me to take a time out to make a memory with him.... cause these times won't last forever.I love him with all my heart and can't think of life without my little Carter James!!


At 8:35 AM, Blogger deby said...

I've said it before Ang, you are so a "mommy" and not a mother. And there is such a difference. What a blessing that Carter has in you - Gil too!

I am so thankful that you are recognizing how very fast it all goes and enjoying it all. Housework will ALWAYS be there...promise.

God Bless & love you deby

At 4:07 PM, Blogger ret said...

I can see it. Love it. There's always time for dancing...


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