Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Feelin' the burn!!!

And LOVING it!!!

I know that I feel better when I work out.. I always have. The truth is I have always liked working out.... it's just so hard to walk out that front door. I've never paid for a gym membership before... well take that back Laura and I did Curves for a year... and that was good... but after about a year it wasn't helping me much anymore. Then we moved to Colorado and I couldn't afford to join anywhere... so it was up to me to walk out my front door and go for a run. That's so hard for me. My walking path was always there, and I always had a reason why I needed to wait till later to go..... and then later never quite made it around.
Now that I've joined the gym here I know that I have to leave my house before 10:00 so that Carter can go to daycare. There's something about Carter waking up every morning asking if we "get" to go to the Y to play with kids... there's something about Carter getting time to play with kids and he comes home happy, and something about loving this routine that we've started, and to be completely honest there's something about an upcomming reunion with all my girlfriends from college that gets my rump out that door every morning.
The truth is though that I love going... I feel great and I work out harder than I ever have before. The hardest part for me is to not look at the scale everyday, or to try on pants every time I get home... I need to focus on how good I feel and the results will start to come... I hope!
So I feel great, Carter is very happy and our days seem to be much better. Gil just left this morning for a trip, won't be home till Sunday so the real test will be these next couple of days.. to see if this new routine will help Carter deal better with daddy not being around. Thanks to everybody who's written or called with encouraging words.... I AM going to keep this up!!! Just ticked I didn't start earlier but now is better than never! Love ya all!!


At 2:18 PM, Blogger sara said...

It's hard at first, because you want to see results immediately...that's the way I am. I work out for a day and think I've dropped 5 pounds instantly and those old favorite jeans are miraculously going to fit again. :)RIGHT Sara! Then I wake up. But pounds to start to shed and jiggly parts do get firmer. Hang in there and have fun with it!! And enjoy the sweet sound of "You're lookin good Ang"...always gives a little pep to your step!

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Thanks Sara... I just remember the way I looked when Coach had us running laps around the v-ball court... back when it wasn't too scary to wear spandex... you'll never catch me in those again... fun memories!! The funny thing about those old favorite jeans is by the time I get back into them... they are sooo out of style..... but I still hang on!!Lookin forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving

At 8:44 AM, Blogger ret said...

What's awesome is that you'll hit the New Year feeling ahead of the game and not so guilty about getting started. Doing it first thing in the morning is great. Something you and Carter can look forward to. Shawna never understood the girls on her team that wore those v-ball shorts off the court. Now that's confidence. Lol.


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