Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What's Dat???

Carter: "What's dat?"
Mommy: " You know what that is.. it's a bananna"
Carter: "What's that?"
Mommy: "An elephant"
Carter: "What's Dat?"
Mommy: "You know that one too, it's a car"
Carter: "What's dat Mom?
Mommy: "A trash can."
Carter: "What's dat?"
Mommy: "What did I just tell you it was?"
Carter: " A crash pan?"
Mommy: "Yep!"
Carter: "Mommy what's dat?"
Mommy: "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Yep that's it... that has been going on for the past two weeks non stop and it's driving me crazy. I was waiting the the "Why's?" to start, but Carter decided to go with the "what's dat?" I don't know how much of this I can take, ok I can take a little more because I'm not quite sure I'm creative enough to answer all the "why?" questions that I can only imagine his little brain comming up with. If he's anything like his daddy, and we all know he is, those "why?" questions could get a little scary!! So I'll stick with the "What's dat?" questions a little longer and smile (almost) everytime I hear them because these too will pass on to something new and when they're gone... I might just miss that little sweet voice asking "Mommy what's dat?"


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