This N That...
* I am So Sick of being sick. I am so thankful that I'm not as sick as I was but I really want to start feeling good. I'm tired of the running nose, cough, all the stuff that comes with it. I'm ready for Spring.
* I went to a baby shower this weekend. I really didn't want to go. I'm still not totally comfortable with our new friends, I do much better when I have my husband with me. I was in charge of bringing the punch so I had to step out of my box. I had a blast!!! I really really had fun and I felt connected to some of the women. It's all new and still a little weird, but Saturday morning was wonderful and made me smile!! Plus I got to pick out the cutest little girl outfit, lots of pink!!!! Too much fun!
* I love my husband... I just love him to pieces. We have this joke, sometimes when he's driving me crazy (that sense of humor of his can be a little overwhelming when you're the only one around for him to use it on!!) I'll look at him and say "Isn't it time for you to go out of town again??" Truth is though that I miss him when he's gone. I miss his Loud voice... I miss his hugs and kisses, I miss his mess, I miss watching him with Carter... I miss a lot. He always returns though, and life gets back to normal.
* My little man turns 3 on Saturday!!! I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday that my stomach looked like I had eaten an elephant. I remember seeing him for the first time, he looked so little in his Daddy's big arms. I remember finding out he was sick and how scared we were. Oh I remember everything that this little man has done. His footprints are all over my heart and it's only been three years. I can't believe it's been three years....
*I'm planning a Trip to Milligan Tennessee in March. We are having a mini- reunion with all of our friends from College. Some of them I haven't seen for 6 years. This will be so much fun and yet so weird. I can't wait to catch up with them all and find out what's going on in their lives. I'm sure we'll all have pictures of out husbands and little ones. I can't wait for the long car ride with Adam... it's always so good to hang out with him. I miss him and I always love our time together. He's a great brother and such a fun uncle!! Love him!
* I miss my mom and my sisters and Laura... These are my girls!!! I don't know what I'd do without them. I wish that we weren't so far away, yet I am so thankful that we aren't as far as we once were... One of these days we need to take a trip together... ahh that would be so much fun.
Ok I really need some coffee and I need to stop rambling... Have a wondeful day!!!
better be writing all the Carter stuff down. Believe it or not - you will forget. I didn't and tell them I'm not for sure where their baby books are - so they won't discover I am not Super mom. (I am amazed they haven't yet.) There will be many "winging it" memories written - if I get to it.
I miss you like crazy! I can't wait to see you next week...Give Carter loves and kisses for me...We miss you guys soooo much!
I'm still not super mom, but for the first, I don't know, 5 years of her life or so, I wrote everything down. Everything. More for me than her at the time. I dug the journals out for her 21st birthday and had myself some smiles and some tears. Wasn't sure she'd be interested in reading them but she was. Made for some fun memories in the retelling...I gave her a glass memory chest for her birthday this year and placed the journals and several things I pulled from the boxes of her life that are stacked in our basement inside. Including one of her first bras, several envelopes of her hair (that wigged her out!), her
very first swimsuit complete with angel wings, and an old soiled pampers...jk!! It was fun sorting through it all...and now I'm going to go have a cry :)
Love you...have fun in Tennessee...
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