Saturday, February 18, 2006


I can't stand the place, yet I can't live without it. Some weeks I actually think I spend more time roaming the aisles than I do sleeping in my own bed!! It's really sad when your son's favorite place to go is Mal-mart, or when you have a dream and the setting is in isle 12 of Walmart! The horrible thing about Walmart is, I can't get out of that place without spending at least $50!! Yeah that's my life....cracks me up!
So today I had a long list of errands to run. I wanted to accomplish my list and not get discouraged so I left Walmart for the last stop. I had a date with my boys for dinner so at 5:30 I was rushing into Wally world praying for empty aisles and short lines, I had hungry boys at home!! Of course my luck stinks!! I spent an hour in cart to cart traffic and I was about ready to scream!! I finally found a lane that was actually empty!!! Yipee!! God wasn't really wanting me to make a scene:-) After I jumped into line and dumped my stuff on the belt I realized how lucky I was because there were now 4 people behind me. I'm helping load my bags in the cart when this conversation starts between me and my friendly cashier.
Cashier: I don't know what I'm going to do (in a hushed voice)
Me: What's that?
Cashier: I'm out of bags
Me: Oh I can wait, do you need to get more?
Cashier: No the whole store is out of bags... we've already closed 6 lanes because they have no bags. The truck isn't here yet!!!
Me (looking at the long line behind me): Ouch, that's going to be a tough thing to explain.
Cashier: Yeah, we're expecting an announcement over the intercom.
Me: Well thanks for my bags, have a good evening. I'll say a prayer for ya!
As I was leaving I heard her start to explain to the woman behind me what was happening... I thought about listening in, but I was afraid of getting jumped because I had 4 bags in my cart! Could you imagine getting the pooh beat out of you just for your Walmart bags!! hehe Well it is Missouri ya know!
On the ride home I lost it. Laughter that I just could not control!! I had images of people getting all their "stuff" dumped back into their carts, walking out to their cars and tossing cans olives in the back seat!! Man, I was sooo lucky, cause I'm pretty sure that would've ruined the night!!
So yeah, that was my Wal-mart experience... wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been there!!


At 6:15 AM, Blogger ret said...

I spent an hour in cart to cart traffic and I was about ready to scream!!

funny stuff. I snorted. and I've never heard of Wal-Mart running out of bags. they should just ask folks to bring their stash of them from home...

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Erin said...

The other day my roommate and I went to Wal-Mart and witnessed something absolutely ridiculous while waiting to check out. After writing a check and getting her bags together, this lady wrote her phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to the HIGH SCHOOL-ISH boy at the cash register. Mind you, the lady was probably 30. The kid didn't know what to do. It was quite entertaining.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger laura said...

Don't they have big "recycle" bins full of bags at each entrance. You might be a redneck if......


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