Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Feelin' the burn!!!

And LOVING it!!!

I know that I feel better when I work out.. I always have. The truth is I have always liked working out.... it's just so hard to walk out that front door. I've never paid for a gym membership before... well take that back Laura and I did Curves for a year... and that was good... but after about a year it wasn't helping me much anymore. Then we moved to Colorado and I couldn't afford to join anywhere... so it was up to me to walk out my front door and go for a run. That's so hard for me. My walking path was always there, and I always had a reason why I needed to wait till later to go..... and then later never quite made it around.
Now that I've joined the gym here I know that I have to leave my house before 10:00 so that Carter can go to daycare. There's something about Carter waking up every morning asking if we "get" to go to the Y to play with kids... there's something about Carter getting time to play with kids and he comes home happy, and something about loving this routine that we've started, and to be completely honest there's something about an upcomming reunion with all my girlfriends from college that gets my rump out that door every morning.
The truth is though that I love going... I feel great and I work out harder than I ever have before. The hardest part for me is to not look at the scale everyday, or to try on pants every time I get home... I need to focus on how good I feel and the results will start to come... I hope!
So I feel great, Carter is very happy and our days seem to be much better. Gil just left this morning for a trip, won't be home till Sunday so the real test will be these next couple of days.. to see if this new routine will help Carter deal better with daddy not being around. Thanks to everybody who's written or called with encouraging words.... I AM going to keep this up!!! Just ticked I didn't start earlier but now is better than never! Love ya all!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I did it!!!

No I didn't sign up for Weight Watchers(too cheap) but I did buy a family membership at the YMCA!!! Yep gonna do it... I know it's not going to be easy cause I don't have a partner this time(really gonna miss ya Laura) but I'm hoping that maybe Carter will force me to go everyday. We went tonight to sign up and the Nursery is COOL! It's got lots of big toys and a huge Ball Pit!! Carter is so excited!!
I finally took the big step for a couple of reasons...
*we got a scholarship so it's very cheap!!
*I want to feel better... and look better, I've done all I can do with walking/running up and down my street... I now need to hit the weights!
* Ok yes I'll say it out loud... we're starting to talk about another kiddo at some point... and I'd kinda like to get in good shape before I decide to get fat again.
*I want to get into the habit now... then maybe... someday... down the road... when/if... I am ever pregnant again... I'll continue to work out through the pregnancy and not turn into the good year blimp again!
* I think it'll kinda be like pre-school for Carter and it'll give him interaction with kids during the day and get us out of the house everyday... who knows I might even meet some other moms!!
SO, I'll be getting up early and starting my first day of my new routine! I'm really excited about it... We'll hope this lasts! I'm trying to supress the desire to go out and buy tons and tons of new workout clothes and shoes and matching sweatbands... ok maybe not sweatbands! I think I'm gonna set my first goal and when I hit it then I can get a cute or at least matching workout outfit!!!
I'd better start stretching tonight..... I'll let ya know how this goes, at least we know that Carter is going to have fun!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Buzz Lightyear and his Gypsy

Whose kids are these?? Ok I'll own up to the kid that looks just like my husband in a Buzz Lighyear costume cause... well I love him! I'd take the beautiful Gypsy Madelyn as well but she belongs to my best friend. Carter and Madelyn are buddies.... they love each other so much and have a blast together. It was so much fun to share Halloween with all of our friends and family! Madelyn taught Carter all the tricks to Tick-or-Treating.... except the part when Carter ran into a complete strangers house... got to the end of the hallway and then looked at us like we were supposed to all come in!! Our whole group was outside the man's house laughing so hard we couldn't yell at Carter to get out!!! The kind man finally told Carter that if he wanted some candy he needed to come back outside with his mom, and Carter obeyed! Yes, that's my son!!!

Carter and Grandpa

Carter and his Grandpa McNett. I remember taking pictures with my daddy on Halloween... it's so cool to see your parents with your child... man these two have lots of fun together.


Here's Buzz sneaking Chocolate, I think he was gearing up for the Nobis' Halloween was that a fun party! Carter and Madelyn had a blast in the haunted garage and it was great to get to see everybody!! I don't know,I think we might be heading back to Quincy next year for Halloween. We had a GREAT weekend!! Love ya All