Monday, February 27, 2006

This N That...

* I am So Sick of being sick. I am so thankful that I'm not as sick as I was but I really want to start feeling good. I'm tired of the running nose, cough, all the stuff that comes with it. I'm ready for Spring.

* I went to a baby shower this weekend. I really didn't want to go. I'm still not totally comfortable with our new friends, I do much better when I have my husband with me. I was in charge of bringing the punch so I had to step out of my box. I had a blast!!! I really really had fun and I felt connected to some of the women. It's all new and still a little weird, but Saturday morning was wonderful and made me smile!! Plus I got to pick out the cutest little girl outfit, lots of pink!!!! Too much fun!

* I love my husband... I just love him to pieces. We have this joke, sometimes when he's driving me crazy (that sense of humor of his can be a little overwhelming when you're the only one around for him to use it on!!) I'll look at him and say "Isn't it time for you to go out of town again??" Truth is though that I miss him when he's gone. I miss his Loud voice... I miss his hugs and kisses, I miss his mess, I miss watching him with Carter... I miss a lot. He always returns though, and life gets back to normal.

* My little man turns 3 on Saturday!!! I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday that my stomach looked like I had eaten an elephant. I remember seeing him for the first time, he looked so little in his Daddy's big arms. I remember finding out he was sick and how scared we were. Oh I remember everything that this little man has done. His footprints are all over my heart and it's only been three years. I can't believe it's been three years....

*I'm planning a Trip to Milligan Tennessee in March. We are having a mini- reunion with all of our friends from College. Some of them I haven't seen for 6 years. This will be so much fun and yet so weird. I can't wait to catch up with them all and find out what's going on in their lives. I'm sure we'll all have pictures of out husbands and little ones. I can't wait for the long car ride with Adam... it's always so good to hang out with him. I miss him and I always love our time together. He's a great brother and such a fun uncle!! Love him!

* I miss my mom and my sisters and Laura... These are my girls!!! I don't know what I'd do without them. I wish that we weren't so far away, yet I am so thankful that we aren't as far as we once were... One of these days we need to take a trip together... ahh that would be so much fun.

Ok I really need some coffee and I need to stop rambling... Have a wondeful day!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I can't stand the place, yet I can't live without it. Some weeks I actually think I spend more time roaming the aisles than I do sleeping in my own bed!! It's really sad when your son's favorite place to go is Mal-mart, or when you have a dream and the setting is in isle 12 of Walmart! The horrible thing about Walmart is, I can't get out of that place without spending at least $50!! Yeah that's my life....cracks me up!
So today I had a long list of errands to run. I wanted to accomplish my list and not get discouraged so I left Walmart for the last stop. I had a date with my boys for dinner so at 5:30 I was rushing into Wally world praying for empty aisles and short lines, I had hungry boys at home!! Of course my luck stinks!! I spent an hour in cart to cart traffic and I was about ready to scream!! I finally found a lane that was actually empty!!! Yipee!! God wasn't really wanting me to make a scene:-) After I jumped into line and dumped my stuff on the belt I realized how lucky I was because there were now 4 people behind me. I'm helping load my bags in the cart when this conversation starts between me and my friendly cashier.
Cashier: I don't know what I'm going to do (in a hushed voice)
Me: What's that?
Cashier: I'm out of bags
Me: Oh I can wait, do you need to get more?
Cashier: No the whole store is out of bags... we've already closed 6 lanes because they have no bags. The truck isn't here yet!!!
Me (looking at the long line behind me): Ouch, that's going to be a tough thing to explain.
Cashier: Yeah, we're expecting an announcement over the intercom.
Me: Well thanks for my bags, have a good evening. I'll say a prayer for ya!
As I was leaving I heard her start to explain to the woman behind me what was happening... I thought about listening in, but I was afraid of getting jumped because I had 4 bags in my cart! Could you imagine getting the pooh beat out of you just for your Walmart bags!! hehe Well it is Missouri ya know!
On the ride home I lost it. Laughter that I just could not control!! I had images of people getting all their "stuff" dumped back into their carts, walking out to their cars and tossing cans olives in the back seat!! Man, I was sooo lucky, cause I'm pretty sure that would've ruined the night!!
So yeah, that was my Wal-mart experience... wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been there!!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bargain Spree!!!!!

Why is it that some women are all about labels and prices, some are about garage sales and getting the cheapest thing possible. Right in the middle are the bargain shoppers... ya know the ones that when you give them a compliment on an outfit the first thing they do is tell you where they got it and how cheap it was!?!? Well I have to admit I fall into the latter of the three.I want style, but I won't buy anything full price... it takes the fun out of things!!!
I'm trying to learn to just accept the compliment and not give a reinactment of the entire shopping experience including the sale price. But I had an amazing shopping experience this weekend that I just have to spill... I'm telling you it's made me smile for the last 24 hours!!
We were all starting to feel better yesterday so we decided to tackle a growing list of tasks.We took too long laying around the house and by the time we left we found ourselves in the middle of a snow storm... we had a list of things that we needed to complete we were on a mission! One stop was to get Carter's feet measured so we can guestimate what size he'll need for the upcomming Nobis/Mitchell wedding!!! After getting that job accomplished Carter man passed out in his stoller and I started wandering the kids section at Famous Barr!! Normally this is not a dangerous thing to do because I don't find anything cheap enough in there.... but yesterday was different.
Back before Christmas they had some Kenneth Cole 3 piece outfits for boys... the ones that come with jeans, a dress shirt and then either a sports jacket or a sweater. I fell in love with them... I wanted to get all of them for Carter but they cost $50 a piece... I Just couldn't do it. So yesterday I'm wandering the sales rack and I realize that they have some of these outfits on the sale rack.... they ended up being $13 a piece... I went crazy.. I started running around the store, grabbing all sorts of stuff, Nike sweat outfits for $10, sweaters and dress pants... Ah the cutest boys stuff ever. When I finally finished my madness Gil took the loot to the cashier... I was defending why I bought so much. I had to make Gil buy everything because I just couldn't face to total price... But I was in for quite a suprise $84.60!!!! That's it!!! I had two bags full of clothes and that's all it cost. My excitement went into over load when we got to the car and I added up the receipt. I got $244.80 worth of clothes for just under $85 dollars!!! Man my boy is going to look like such a stud next fall!! I was ready to come home and put on a fashion show.... guess I was pressing my luck with my two boys cause they were both ready to kick back and watch some sports, man I need a little girl! So I had to spend the next hour on the phone telling my mom, Gil's mom and Laura Keane about all my great deals!! Still smiling :-) Gotta love shopping!

Monday, February 06, 2006


We have germs crawling all over this house!!! I can't believe how many different germs we actually have. After two visits to the Dr's office(two copays of course) and then two trips to the Walmart Pharmacy(wow drugs are expensive!!) and one trip to get a McDonalds shake just to make us smile.... now it's time for a nap.
Here's our checklist of Germ visitors at our house...

~ Sinus infection
~Ear Infection
~Pink eye
~Strep Throat
~Type B flu
~ear infection
The first three belong to Carter and the last three belong to me!! Gil has yet to get anything and I'm praying that he stays healthy. He is speaking at Central this week and he's been looking forward to it for two months now!! We already called the Dr. to try and get him some antibiotics to keep him from getting sick,but I'm really thinking about renting him a hotel room for a couple of nights... Well I think that the "Boys room" will have to be his tonight. I'll just shove some food under the door, not that I'll be cooking much from the couch.
So just beware... stay away from our house for the next couple of days, or you're risking your life!!! This too shall pass right.... tell that to my throat!