My tongue hurts!!!
"If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all...", " Take the higher ground", " Just bite your tongue"
Man, gotta tell you, my tongue hurts!!!! I've had to bite my tongue HARD in the last couple of days and I'm sure it's going to get worse before it gets better. The true color of people comes shinning through during a time like this and unfortunately it hurts to find out what color some people bleed. I know we have some true friends here, I know the ones that are so happy for us that they are crying tears of joy for us and are just truly sad to see us go. To those people I want to say thank-you, we love you and we will miss you very much. Then there are the people that can't see past their own jealousy... the people that used to call you friends, but now spend most of the time putting us down, and trying to destroy our character... to those people I say...... well all I can do is bite my tongue.
We are trying to leave in the best way that we can. We are working hard to finish things up here, to stay positive, to help in any way that we can to make this transition easier but that is going unnoticed. AGHHHHH!
Ok so I'm just mad, I don't have a lot to say about it because I really am trying to let it go. What I can say is "Gil you're a better person than I am, because I know if I had to be in the battle field every day like you are I'd have already gotten fired." I know that we only have a short time left here so we can make it. I just pray that at some point, I'll be able to tell these "Men of God" how rude and hurtful and down right mean they have been and just to ask them if they really think that God is shinning through them? We are leaving to continue God's work... it just takes us to a new place. You'd think that they'd be happy, or at least supportive... Oh well I can only ask God to give us patience and to help us to keep our heads held high as we walk out the door, even if my tongue does hurt!!!