7 Year Craving!!
I don't get many cravings. It used to be Taco Bell, and when I'd get that craving... I just knew that I was going to have to get a fix sometime that week but thank goodness that's not too much of a struggle for me anymore. Pregnancy brought lots of cravings for me... more for Gil, but once Carter popped out the cravings went away, at least for me:-)
There is however one craving that I've had for seven years. Yeah I know you're asking "what took you seven years to get a fix?" Reason #1 is that the restaurant(which I don't even know the name of)was in Johnson City Tennesse. Reason #2 was that I didn't even know the name of my craving. See I didn't remember much about my craving except that it was just marvelous... It was rice with a sauce. That's all I knew. At first I thought it was Chinese... but after visiting many Chinese restaurants.... not Chinese. In college we ate this stuff all the time. My girlfriends and I would order it, somebody would go pick it up (not me; no car) and then we'd all sit around and scarf it down!! It was scrumptious!!!
For Years I've explained this craving to Gil. I've told him all about it... he would make guesses as to what it was, he'd make fun of me for not knowing what it was, and he'd just tell me to "stop whining about it".
Last week we were talking about it again( you wouldn't believe how often we've actually talked about this stuff)... He asked his co-worker because Ben has been to Milligan plenty of times. Ben thought it came from a Japanese Steak House. So I asked Gil if they have rice and he said oh yeah... with a sauce that they say tastes like the "Big Mac" sauce!!!
"THAT'S IT!!!" I started screaming!! I was jumping around the kitchen all excited. For seven years I've been trying to explain the taste of this sauce and Gil summed it up perfectly "Big Mac Sauce" I know it kinda sounds gross... but man it was so good. I would eat plates and plates of the stuff!
So Gil came home two days later with a suprise... what a sweet man! I was so excited as I pulled out the rice and the container of sauce. I could hardly wait.... my hands were actually shaking. The smell of it brought back so many memories I almost started to cry.
The first bite was Huge, cause you know bigger is better and the taste was wonderful. I was so excited because that's what I'd been waiting for forever!!! I sat down today to have a plate of it and I realized it was just "all right." I could only eat 2 bites and that was all I could take. I gues my taste buds have changed in the last 7 years.